Youth Club
When and Where?
We meet in Jubilee Baptist Church (known as the Chapel) from 7.30pm - 9.30pm on alternate Friday evenings (see Calendar) where you find a mixture of pool, table top football, card and board games accompanied by hot chocolate and snacks. Towards the close of each session one of the leaders will lead a short talk/discussion related to the Bible. It's for school years 9 and upwards
Safeguarding information
All sessions are free to attend but we do need parental/guardian permission via completion of our Consent Form.
Policy Statement: We recognise that the welfare of all children, young people and adults at risk, is paramount and that all have equal rights of protection. We have a duty of care when they are in our charge and we will do everything we can to provide a safe and caring environment whilst they attend our activities.
Jubilee Baptist Church is a registered member of SAFEcic and undertakes an annual Child Protection Risk Assessment. All members of the regular youth team have up-to-date DBS checks.