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What We Believe

We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons; the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. God created everything and, in the beginning, everything was very good.


The Bible is God’s word to us, every word was inspired by the Holy Spirit and written through human authors. From page one to the final word the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. It tells us all that we need to know about truth and the best way to live. The Bible is completely true and reliable.


The tragedy of the human race is that sin has entered the perfect world that God created. Sin is our rejection of God and rebellion against Him, breaking our relationship with Him. Sin is the root cause of all the misery and suffering in the world. None of us are perfect so we are all guilty of sin. If our sin is not forgiven by God, we will suffer the misery of eternal torment away from God.


The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who became a real human being – fully God and fully human, but without sin. He was born of the virgin Mary, died on a cross, was buried, but rose physically from the dead and later returned to Heaven. By Jesus’ death God was dealing with the sin problem. Jesus became a substitute; taking the punishment for sin on Himself and God credits the perfect life of Jesus to all who trust Him as their Saviour.


The Holy Spirit helps us to understand the Bible, the seriousness of our sin and draws us to put our faith and trust in Jesus.


We are saved when we admit we are sinners, ask for forgiveness, place our trust in Jesus as our Saviour and commit ourselves to follow Him as Lord. This brings us back into a right relationship with God that we will enjoy forever. This is known as becoming a Christian. None of us can get right with God through good works, effort, rules or rituals – we only receive salvation by God’s grace through faith in Jesus. Even our faith is a gift from God.


The Holy Spirit gives those who believe new spiritual life and comes to live in them empowering them to live for Jesus and to become more like Him.


After we’ve become a Christian, it is important that we publicly display our faith, through being baptised (by full immersion in water) as Jesus taught. This symbolises the death of our old way of living in rebellion against God and the start of our new lives following Jesus.


It is when we have been baptised that Christians become part of the local church. Enabling us to live out our faith together with others in the church family where we can share in worship, grow in faith, receive help and encouragement, and serve others.


In particular we encourage those who join us at Jubilee to:


  • Take the Lord’s Supper with us regularly.

  • To pray for one another and the various events and ministries of the Church

  • Give their time, talents and resources, as far as they are able to help the work of the Church.

  • To tell others about Jesus and how His truth can set us free.

  • Help to maintain a spirit of love, unity and care within the church family and to have a loving care and concern for those in the communities where we live.


One day in the future, no one knows when, Jesus will return from Heaven to judge this world. After that, creation will be made new and all true believers who have ever lived will be with Jesus forever enjoying this eternal home. Will you be there?

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Who's who

Image by Matt Botsford

What we

Image by Annie Spratt

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